Descending Like a Dervish
Goudreault’s Descending Like A Dervish nurtures an experience of cosmic Energy spiraling into the self through the crown of the head, stirring the individual in a dance of new awareness and a tangible shift in consciousness and perception. Its equivalents may be felt in the Kachina dances of the Hopi tribe, the Hindu dance of the Dakinis, or yogic teachings on the rotation of the subtle energy vortices within the self and the helical flow of energy up and down the subtle nerve channels of the spine. All of these, like Goudreault’s image, are expressions of devotion to a life dedicated to evolving a more wholly integrated union with the flow of Cosmic Light, Energy and Intelligence flowing throughout all existence. They add experience and translate knowledge which supports the unlocking of our own capacity for tangible communion with the portals of subtle energy within the self as gateways between the material and the immaterial, the finite and the infinite and a more wholly integrated and potentiated experience of our human totality.

Vahana (Sanskrit: वाहन, Vāhana, literally "that which carries”) reflects on the Hindu use of this term denoting an animal or mythical entity a deity is said to ride as a vehicle of transport. In this capacity, the vahana is often called the deity's "mount", a reciprocal partnership where on one level each exist independently, but the vahana is also functionally emblematic of the potentiality of the rider and may reflect some abilities which exceed what are considered its ordinary limits. In this image Goudreault re-contextualizes the symbolic essence of vahana, using it to describe all of humanity as innately designed to carry the potentiality of what we call the Divine. In it she plants the idea that we are ourselves the carriers; both a separate individual and universally networked self designed to receive and project the infinite potentiality of Cosmic Source Energy and Intelligence. Goudreault’s Vahana is also an equivalent of the subtle dimension of our being; that specific aspect of our multidimensional human totality which empowers and guides our minds’ evolution, bringing us ever closer to an experience of the self whose totality is not just our physical body, feelings or thoughts, but a vehicle for the embodiment and realization of unlimited Consciousness and the capacity to heal, harmonize and make of this Earth a place of restored abundance and sustainable peace.

Revelation Song
“Resonating in the form of Revelation Song is the message, ‘Do not turn away, it is this buried Light that waits in the unknown, and in what we hear when we listen with our hearts, that will carry us through the challenges of this period. With each practiced touch of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, a mantra takes us beyond our perceived limits where each of us become the revelation song of humanity. A song that penetrates and transforms the mind and inspires us to shed our conditioning and become more aware not just of an injustice or cause, but of the greater totality of the self. A song which invokes in us the will to evolve humanity’s power to resolve diversity in a unity that answers the silenced cry of long avoided Consciousness. A cry rising up now from within that says we are of one universally networked existence, and no physical or economic barriers can separate us from the truth that all life is eventually and inescapably felt within the self. It is a Consciousness even the most unyielding egos, pervasive delusions, aggressions and fears cannot evade.’ Revelation Song may not be an image of how you see yourself, but what is important is that if frees you to begin to see yourself as more than the surface form and capacities you know. It says, ‘Let us be more than thinkers, and makers, consumers, and seekers of beauty. Let us be seers of the whole Light; that fire, that sun, that ocean which burns and carries us across all the material limits and conditioned biases and preconceptions of the mind. Let us nurture a greater human totality that instead of suffering feels the infinite potentiality of gods descending where innately networked cosmic Energy and Intelligence spread their roots wider within us.’” -Deborah Goudreault

Star Visitor Triptych I

ABHAYA :Fear Not
Abhaya Mudra, where the right hand is raised in a position resembling oath taking; fingers straight and palm facing outward, is a gesture familiar to diverse cultures and one imbedded in the psyche of humanity long before its depictions as a favored gesture of Buddha or Christ. It has been applied like a gear shift to align an individual harmoniously with cosmic forces and project an energy of protection, peace and a sense of strong, deep inner security. When shared with others, it is an offering of encouragement to develop fearlessness not only through yogic and meditative disciplines but through more unlimited realization of all dimensions of the self. It reminds us that in overcoming fear, we have a greater capacity to harmonize and excel through even the most challenging threats. That Abhaya manifested momentarily in a figure seated in lotus pose between layers of rushing water and sheer ice at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic was just beginning in China is something which continues to inspire Goudreault’s search for greater understanding of the Energy and Intelligence networked and operating throughout all of Nature and the self.

Star Visitor Triptych II
Star Visitor Triptych is neither intended to diminish the role of intellect and outer technology in human advancement or sanction the belief system growing around extraterrestrial alien presence and influence as a new religion and field of conflict. It calls us instead to look deeper within the self for the next platform of human evolution and expanded cosmic engagement.
Goudreault on Triptych adds, “No god or super-being will support the disharmony of an exclusively material, technological, and physical sensory driven advancement no matter how hard we pray, and no life can sustain the disharmony of an externally skewed advancement without continued cycles of conflict and disease.
Let not our own past and present human view of life as separate, limited, competitive and needing to dominate to survive cause us to meet our future possibilities either with fear and conflict or as enslaved devotees. Instead of making our survival dependent solely on outer technologies, searching for new life forms, colonizing new planets, or making new gods out of forces we see as having more unbound access to power and intelligence, let us also focus on evolving a greater experience of who we are and direct equal resources toward unlocking the practices and inner technologies for opening the more unlimited perception and potentialities of the self. When we better understand the extra-physical dimensions of the self and refine and expand our mind and awareness through our relationship with the subtle aspects of our cosmically networked human totality, we will be much better positioned to heal and renew humanity and Earth, and harmoniously meet the forces and forms of life which comprise our solar system and the universe in which it exists.” -Deborah Goudreault

Restoring Equilibrium
The Artist considers equilibrium as an inevitable period of reharmonization which follows the difficult effects when balance is disturbed between the forces of creation and destruction. It is in such a period she says, that we now find ourselves; forced to be more aware of our interconnected nature, to purify our inner and outer environments, and to transform patterns and ideas which no longer serve the healing, harmonization, and individual and collective advancement of humanity and Earth. Goudreault’s Restoring Equilibrium delivers a haunting impression of purification and transformation; how even mind broken of its patterns and attachments, bound by stillness and drowning in fear holds within it the capacity to become a mind of Light: purified, strengthened, secure and made whole. As we stare into the eye of her electrified figure, we enter the depths of the inner self; a subtle, unknown dimension that expands beyond the physical reach of the senses, into a network of unlimited cosmic Energy and Intelligence and a reality of continuously evolving human potential.

Star Visitor Triptych III

“A great Yogi once said, ‘we must know ourselves as praanee; beings who live by praana, the basic life energy of the universe that is carried on the breath.’ Early life is spent learning how to function in our physical body and material circumstances. This allows us to survive. Then gradually our focus is directed toward expanding intellect as a means to advance, but these are just parts of who we are. There comes a time when to access more unlimited potentiality, we must understand and integrate our energetic nature and learn to operate the whole of our human totality. At no other time has it been more apparent that we are connected by breath. In a masked, pandemic driven culture, we are having to take responsibility for the purity and stability of our own health as well as what physically passes on breath between us, but this is just the beginning of an awareness to come of our universally networked nature, and the way we are connected energetically to each other and the flow of unlimited cosmic Energy and Intelligence. Praanee, an image of our taking in cosmic Energy on the breath and all the images in When Gods Descend challenge us to open ourselves and search for new pathways to experience and understand more of the subtle dimension of the self and its role in individual and collective evolution and achievement.” - Deborah Goudreault

The Liberator
In The Liberator, Goudreault’s devotion to the forces of Nature finds expression in an impression of Shiva with his vehicle mount, the bull. In it she embodies for us the power and potency of the ultimate recycler and regenerator of all existence, and a deeper understanding of its force, so we may begin to let go our pandemic born fears and perceptions of uncontrollable destruction, chaos and loss, and move toward a state of greater and unfathomed possibility. About The Liberator, Goudreault says, “It seems this period of global upheaval could not be brought to Light without some consideration of and reverence for Shiva, not as a mythologized religious icon, but as the cosmic force of destruction ever present in the evolutionary dance of matter. I suppose I am not surprised that it found its way through Nature into my work. Every day I feel Shiva more palpably, stripping away our long held connections to life. We are awakened now from our illusions and witness to the power of a fearless destroyer. But when I look beyond my emotions, beyond my outer senses, beneath the surface events of this time, I see it is a constructive destruction that destroys our weaknesses and imperfections to ensure our progress, and dissolves past patterns, attachments and conditioning so we can evolve more unfettered with the movement of time. I see Shiva comes not merely for the sake of destruction, rather as that which is essential for regeneration, transformation, and liberation; for recreating, cleansing out and eliminating that which limits our evolving human identity and capacity to manifest a more wholly harmonized individual and shared existence. Even in the face of Shiva there is Light; Light in the apparent darkness of this pandemic period; a Light that continues to transform life, humanity and our experience of Earth for our collective welfare and facilitates our transition to a phase of new awareness and potential. It is the frequency of this Light that I sought to translate in The Liberator. ”

Purifying the Elements

In describing Rakini, Goudreault says, “Like a dark blue lotus of lustrous Light, the Rakini of yogic culture rose from the surface of thin ice along the boundary of a rushing woodland river in a moment of vision, and then quickly melted into the ether from which it came. But in that moment was something infinite. Shakti is the Sanskrit name given the dynamic force of primordial cosmic Energy operating throughout the universe, and Rakini is the doorkeeper and emanation of Shakti power associated with the second chakra or energy center of the subtle body, related to the element of water and the flow and refinement of creative energies. The cosmic Energy and Intelligence networked through this center challenges us to evolve our perception of duality and strengthen our desire to attain balance between the self and the other, and between the inner and outer worlds of the self.” Here Goudreault receives and translates the energy and presence of Rakini and uses creative energy to elevate our experience through an art which once again takes our minds beyond the knot of familiar names and conditioned forms. She furthers her work of dissolving the boundaries of our inner and outer worlds and our conception of the self as exclusively separate and finite and in doing so helps awaken in us a more harmonizing, universally networked awareness and human identity, and the capacity for consistently pure and just relationships with one another.

Star Streams: Ganga of the Upper Sky
Ganga or the Ganges; a river considered sacred in India is viewed by Goudreault as an equivalent on Earth to the river of cosmic Energy and Intelligence flowing throughout the universe in star streams and all existence. Likewise she says, “I feel the rivers of Earth and the rivers of Light above us are also reflected again in the nerves or nadis; rivers of cosmic energy operating through the subtle interfacing dimension of the self that lies veiled within our seemingly separate and finite physical form.” Whatever our beliefs or science, in Ganga of the Upper Sky we feel closer to some cosmic essence and the power of that which connects us to a greater totality, each other, and a new phase of evolution as universally networked beings of more infinite human potential. ”

Astras of Invincible Light
In ancient Vedic texts, an astra was a supernatural weapon, presided over by a deity and imbued with spiritual power that caused its effect. To summon an astra required the use of a specific mantra or sequence of sounds. The deity or force invoked would then endow the weapon with a capacity impossible to counter through ordinary means. Because of its power, the knowledge involving an astra was passed on through the Guru tradition from a Guru (teacher) to a student by word of mouth, and only following rigorous disciplines to establish consistent character and integrity in the student. While Goudreault’s Astras of Invincible Light references this concept, rather than a portrayal of one invoking external weapons, it reflects the individual discovering and invoking equivalent astras of the inner self and opening the flow of cosmic Energies and Consciousness within. Goudreault adds, “It is in accessing and wielding the instrument of universally networked power built within the subtle dimension of our human totality that we have the innate capacity to evolve the mind’s potential and transform the viral battle humanity now faces into a more whole, harmonized, and sustainable shared existence.”

Star Streams: Devanadi II
Goudreault’s Devanadi opens a pathway to the infinite through the finite. it offers a boundless, timeless encounter which takes us away from our conditioned reality and closer to the one Consciousness and Vibrancy which brings to life and unifies all existence through a universal network of ever evolving being. It is from this cosmic network her Devanadi or ‘River of Gods’ flows into streams of stars and eventually the stream of humanity and the self. Our purpose then, she says, “is to know the totality of the self as well as our physical form, and how to intentionally access our innately networked cosmic Energy and Intelligence for empowering the next phase of human evolution.

Star Streams: Devanadi
River of the Gods or River of Illumination

Star Vessel I: Soma Chakra/ Wheel of Ascendence
In ancient Vedic texts, Soma is used synonymously with Chandra to refer to the moon; ‘the Lord of the stars, lit and nourished by the Sun’, and also as the place where a divine nectar of immortality resides within the self. On a full moon night, yogis and those said to be healthy and pure may, by focusing on the vortex of subtle energy in the area of the head called the soma chakra, capture a nectar flowing from it. It is described as a nectar of ascendance and liberation from the limits of our finite human form into a more infinitely empowered state of being. The nectar although glorified and mystified, Goudreault says, “is not a magic potion, rather a sign of a subtle energetic connection in which lines of separation blur, opposites converge, and the magnetism of material desires and attachments can be observed more objectively, and gradually become less limiting sources of conflict and suffering.” Goudreault’s Soma is an expression of this soma chakra; a sister moon the sky never sees and rises in cycles within us, evolving our human experience and identity into one of more luminous totality. It is a symbol of the infinite human potentiality waiting for each of us to do the work of purifying and refining the self so, like the moon rising inevitably in its radiant wholeness, the mind may reveal more of its hidden possibilities. It is a vision of an ever-evolving self, letting go the limits of our finite mind and physical senses so with atomic potency we too can experience the self ascending in the full mass of our innately networked cosmic Energy and Intelligence. Now more than ever it is critical that we believe in our own unlimited capacity to evolve as healthy, wholly empowered beings. Soma opens a world of Light in the seemingly dark and vacant wells of the self, and the hope that we each have yet to discover and bring into action new energies and powers that will heal and raise humanity to unprecedented levels of understanding and achievement. Our physical global travel may be temporarily suspended as a pandemic precaution, but Goudreault’s Soma is a window for exploring the foreign terrain of the self where, despite the present uncertainties about our outer circumstances, she says, “a Light of truth which is unchanging and a Source of power worthy of lasting devotion and trust await us within. While our physical bodies may feel exhausted and weakened by the challenges of this time, there is a hidden strength within us that no one and no virus can diminish. As the parents’ material is used in the formation of a child, and through shared DNA remains active in the new being, so beneath our physical form humanity is also the progeny of the cosmos; the energies of sun and moon having been absorbed in the formation of our subtle body system. There they remain as polarities in the engine of our awakening, operating through our uniquely encoded subtle energy body like physical DNA to further the unending evolution of humanity. Soma Chakra reflects the pulse of constantly ascending lunar energy within the self, and our minds’ opening to a greater totality and potential.”

Star Streams: Sushumna Nadi II
Lighting the minds of the self.

Star Streams: Sushumna Nadi
Waking the Infinite Self

Sun Salutation: Turning the Self to Gold
Throughout history and every culture on Earth, humanity has been driven to possess gold, but is it only because of its assigned monetary value? We surround ourselves with gold objects, drink gold elixirs, and adorn ourselves with it as a symbol of elevated position, power and affluence, but is it more than symbol? Somewhere in the subconscious of every human do we still hold a lost understanding that gold is a concentrated form of sunlight and that that Light itself is what conducts and generates material power, as well as power and life in the self? Goudreault’s Sun Salutation acknowledges gold and its relation to currency and temporal power as a means for accumulating and presiding over the material, but not as an end in and of itself. When asked about gold, she replies, “Its true purpose is to focus that concentrated power in serving an ideal and that ideal is its source, the Light. We are yet a culture of those seeking gold, but to advance we need to become a culture which seeks the Light, and not just externally, but from within the network of the self. In this way we will not only open the doors of the material world, but the doors of the subtle energy system of the body and begin to evolve our true power and human potential through the universally networked flow of cosmic Energy and Intelligence as Light.” It is this process of evolving the self’s realization of its true nature and potential as cosmic Energy and Intelligence that Goudreault calls “turning the self to gold”, like the sun, into a more infinitely empowered field of concentrated Light. Sun Salutation, portrays an experience of that vivifying period of time before sunrise when if we sit in meditation facing the sun with an open heart, and still mind and body, we may absorb and gradually rise in closer harmony with the Light, cosmic Energy and Intelligence of our universally networked Self.”

Star Streams: Rays of Consciousness
“Our progress lies in learning to refine our perception so that we may experience the seeds of Light operating in apparent darkness and learn to access the rays of Consciousness or unbound cosmic Intelligence networked throughout the universe and the seemingly dark inner sky of the self.” - D.A. Goudreault

Star Streams: the Flow of Cosmic Energy and Intelligence

Star Vessel II: Aryaman's Path
Like Varuna, Aryaman is referred to in Vedic texts as an Aditya, whose purpose it is to distribute the Energy and Intelligence embodied in the Sun throughout the galaxy. The Milky Way is considered Aryaman’s domain, and from this the form of Goudreault’s image takes its name, but her Aryaman’s Path is not a reference to a distant deity presiding over a vast whirl of matter unfolding in space. Goudreault explains, “The Milky Way may be the cosmic double of Aryamans’ Path with a center said to open into an alternate plane of elevated existence, but my interpretation is an equivalent of the path of all who seek to know the totality of the Self and devote themselves to realizing humanity is not solely separate and finite, but universally networked to an infinitely evolving potentiality. It is a path where the good, the beautiful and the Light are immortal, bright and pure as Spring flowing streams, illuminating the way and the bodies of those who discover an inner connection to more unlimited Energy and Intelligence.” She adds, “Experiencing Aryaman’s Path one enters a field which helps lessen our fear of the vastness of an unknown future especially while in the silence of our lockdowns or in the days of rebuilding ahead. Resonating in its boundless form is the idea that we are not just on a path for individual survival and material success in this life, but one that is networked within to a manifold and uninterrupted movement of cosmic evolution that, despite our adversity and challenge, will yet take us to the highest summit of human excellence.”
On one level Aryaman’s Path may be a physical stellar course through the far reaches of our galaxy that leads future travelers to an even more luminous dimension, but Goudreault’s expression of it also gives viewers a space to challenge the path we currently fix ourselves to, and to question what is required to cultivate new awareness and align ourselves with a path which carries us uninterrupted beyond all resistance, weaknesses, disharmony, and perceived limits in a continual expansion and perfected expression of what it is to be human.

For Goudreault, the pandemic has further strengthened her sense that accessing the energies and potentiality of the subtle dimension of the self is critical to the next phase of human advancement and reharmonizing Earth. “To excel in an externally globalized world, it becomes increasingly apparent that we need to evolve a more empowered and resilient human totality. To operate only the most dense and limited parts of who we are, as if we are only our physical body and finite mind, is no longer enough. To balance the complications of increasingly complex external advancement in a harmonizing and sustainable way, we need to inspire and facilitate the equal evolution of a self-activated human advancement; and a more wholly integrated human totality that cannot be substituted with purely physical science, inert artificial intelligence or technological hybridization.“ This idea that we are each multidimensional, universally networked beings, and part of a greater cosmic totality and ever-evolving potentiality continues to prove itself in Goudreault’s impressions of nature and again in Brihaspati. The Sanskrit name given in ancient texts to the planet Jupiter, a Master of illuminating thought, and Guru of the Gods serves her inner perception of a cosmic Teacher; a conduit for the exchange of radiant energy and cosmic Intelligence between the finite and the infinite through a subtle energy network we are innately connected to, but not yet operating at a frequency to receive. Whether or not we grasp the neo-esoteric equivalents deeply layered in all of Goudreault’s art, this work appears when we are most in need of impressions that support us in realizing the possibility of more unlimited human potential exists in us, and this is what Brihaspati delivers. Goudreault’s Brihaspati is both a continuation of her unique, subtly perceptive art and an energy given to encourage us that beyond the suffering of this moment, in a field of what may seem restricted capacity, exhausted resources and potency, there is a new dimension of the self now given the chance to wake and a transformational victory for all of Earth waiting to be won.

Star Streams: Star Lotus

Goddess of the Middle Ring
Goddess of the Middle Ring celebrates the subtle forces working within nature and the self to awaken more collective consciousness in the mass of humanity and transition the use of individual power for universal human benefit. As is typical of Goudreault’s works of universal connectedness and integrative perception, she once again intuits and translates an equivalent in outer nature of what exists in her experience of the subtle dimensions of the self. Goddess of the Middle Ring transports us to the subtle energetic dimension of our human totality; between 2 other systems of creation within the self, what we know as the physical and the causal or mental. When asked about what she refers to as ‘the Middle Ring’, Goudreault says, “The Middle Ring denotes a specific area in our subtle body system often referred to as the solar or navel center, where networked energy can be accessed to evolve mind’s awareness of our interrelated nature and a more collective identity and sense of responsibility. When through the lessons of life’s physical or emotional challenges like we are facing on a global scale at present, or through conscious individual practices for purifying and evolving what we know of the self, there is an opening of the interface to this potentiating cosmic energy, what once manifest as the dominance, anger, competitiveness, intolerance and vengeance of an exclusively self-centered focus can give way to a more other-inclusive awareness and motivation. When the interface to this center is open, it gives us the capacity to redirect the use of power in a harmonizing versus competitively driven way and to discover our hidden potential for ideas and actions which serve a universal as well as an individual benefit. For those who are no longer bound to the illusion that they can do anything for their own pleasure without consideration of others…For those who are no longer blind to the fact that the disharmonizing roots of our past patterns are manifesting critically and destructively in our lifetime and perpetuating those patterns is no longer an allowable risk…For those who can accept the interrelatedness of life and that what we do, think and feel has inescapable personal, collective, planetary and cosmic effects…For those who after this virus abates decide not to go back to the principles which guided them before and seek to grow instead beyond a relentless search for power as a weapon for self-advancement at the expense of others and the Earth. For those courageous beings, the inner gateway portrayed in Goddess of the Middle Ring will open and a new stream of cosmic Energy and Intelligence which supports our intent, desire and will to be more, will be felt as the foundation of a new humanity and a renewed Earth.”

Luminous Discernment
In Luminous Discernment Goudreault carries us, as only she can, into unknown dimensions of Nature with a discernment born of love for what is good, beautiful, and true, and that recognizes its immortality and omnipresence beneath the surface forms and events which our senses would deem otherwise. With the refined power of an eye which sees the Light in all, whose desire is to serve its unending unfoldment in matter, and a mind which has the will to act based on an understanding of Light rather than a fear of darkness, Goudreault unveils and connects us with an experience of conscious presence, beneath the seemingly inanimate, mundane physical which she says, “we misperceive as the whole of reality.”

Star Vessel III: Surya the Illuminator
Surya, the name of a solar deity in ancient Vedic texts, was considered the highest expression of mentality and form in our solar system, and metaphorically depicted as that fiery cosmic presence which daily crossed the heavens in a chariot drawn by seven mares. Goudreault’s Surya reflects her meditative vision of the 7 great mares, not as horses, but as 7 major streams of cosmic Energy and Intelligence; 7 guiding and potentiating rays of consciousness that deliver, according to our capacity to receive them, the revelation, inspiration, intuition, and luminous discernment of an unlimited and perfected knowledge. Once again tackling the big questions about the subtle dimensions of nature and the self, Surya reflects Goudreault’s inner exploration of how we are connected, not just by blood, place, or race, or online via Zoom, but by a more unlimited cosmic Energy and Intelligence, universally networked throughout the self and all existence. Transcending the limits of both material science and religion, Goudreault’s Surya calls us nearer to that Source whose mighty rays are sent forth unconditionally with the unceasing aim of evolving our dormant capacities and unlimited human potential. It brings infinity to the self, now when it is most needed, holding within its form the magnetic conception that our evolution is not finished, material reason is not the highest expression of mind, and that we have yet to reach the boundaries of our ever-expanding human potential as part of a greater network of being. Within Surya, is the story of a humanity that recognizes understanding the subtle dimensions of the self, not just the physical, and learning how to access and constructively navigate the potentialities of our universally networked nature is the new ‘big picture’ imperative, and what will empower our next phase of human advancement. It is not a story of fear, limited resources, conflict and competition, or of a maxed-out humanity whose only hope lies in what we can achieve technologically, but one in which we are each continually supported in our unending evolution by forces far greater than we realized. It is a story that says even as we face a global pandemic and become instinctively survival driven, we have within us much more than just the desire and capacity to survive, and that it is our collective experience that will be the true measure of our individual success.

The Cosmic Horse
The horse is now a lux commodity, long replaced in its mass transportation role by mechanical vehicles and advances in engineering and technology which continue to shift our experience of time, space and how we navigate the physical world. “But what has not changed since humans first rode a horse,” says Goudreault, “is the fact that we are still seeking a separate, external object as the “horsepower” or vehicle for transcending our perceived limits. Outer vehicles will always be a part of our expanding experience. There will always be a new horse; groundships, waterships, airships, and spaceships which can take us to new physical reaches at unprecedented speeds. They will continue to reflect our increasing intellectual development, but neither new outer vehicles nor full control of the external mounts we devise can create the healthy, wholly harmonized human advancement we seek. It is not a horse or its engineered counterpart we must mount to excel, but a self which has learned to refine and mount its own system for riding to the ever-evolving summits of mind and cosmically networked human potential.” In The Cosmic Horse, Goudreault finds the horse symbol, so deeply imbedded in the human psyche, surfacing in her experience of nature, and delivers an abstracted interpretation that frees our minds she says, “to discover what is at the root of those associations; a never ending call to access more unlimited human potential within the vehicle of the self.” The Cosmic Horse reflects Goudreault’s visionary experience of a vehicle of unstoppable evolution waiting to be unlocked within; a system of untapped Energy and Intelligence made to carry us into a field of more unlimited potentiality and greater awareness of our deeply connected, universally networked nature. Goudreault’s work conveys the understanding and confidence that whatever we lose and mourn during this pandemic period need not define us, because beyond the surface of the self is a vehicle of Light waiting to be ridden and fuel our advancement as an inconceivably potentiated human totality. A Light that once discovered will be reflected in more enlightened thoughts, feelings and actions. A Light which cultivates more unbound perception, and our capacity to individually and collectively, transform a self-defeated humanity into self-evolved, healed, invincible creators of a new reality.”

Star Vessel IV: Sodarshan Chakra / Wheel of Auspicious Vision
About Sudarshan Chakra, from Goudreault’s Tracing a Meditative Mind, “Where the road of sensory conditioned reason ends and physical laws give way to cosmic laws, I pass through a rotating doorway in the subtle dimension of the self. It leads me further into a boundless, endlessly revolving ring where the concentrated forces of creation, preservation and destruction are focused in actions spinning off into galaxies, planets, atoms and electrons. Those who walk here, seeking knowledge of the Self, call it Sudarshan Chakra or the Disk of Auspicious Vision. While I am touched and transformed by its outermost currents, and clear enough to sustain the most dilute reverberations of its force, its depths remain a vast and untapped mystery; a call for later days and a course for later lives. In harnessing its full force, it is said one holds the wheel of time and can reach anywhere in a moment. Because on a cosmic level it organizes the elements and their qualities in the materialization of all phenomena, it could be used to perceive a future threat before it appears, giving one an unfailing advantage over any obstacle, and the capacity to heal imbalances before they manifest as physical disease. I have felt its force working to conquer the patterned blocks and weaknesses that bind me to seemingly finite limits. I have felt it draw my mind through openings of more unlimited energy and intelligence into a greater experience of our human totality, still I am humbled by how faint that seems in relation to the radiance of its whirling ocean of immeasurable potentiality. It is a portal from the infinite to the finite, through which cosmic Energy and Intelligence becomes embodied in finite material form, but to travel on its waves one must raise one’s frequency to meet it. The will to navigate it is necessarily the will to expand what we know of the self. In a culture of fear where we seem to be looking ever more desperately for a weapon, a vaccine or a pill to insure our security, I resist the comparison, but suppose you may think of Sudarshan Chakra as a weapon of Consciousness.”
Of her Sudarshan Chakra image, Goudreault says, “It is not just an impression, but a space dedicated for all to contemplate a Self that is more than physical, separate or finite, and to find ourselves different and more empowered because of it.”

Star Vessel V: Varuna's Call
Like water is essential to our life in matter, Goudreault’s Varuna presides over the rain and rivers of Energy whose purpose it is to purify and carry the finite mind, continually expanding and evolving, into the ocean of its infinite totality. Varuna’s Call reflects humanity’s own inner call to continue our evolution as infinitely transitional beings, and to resist our fears and the tendency at this time toward despair and the sense that what seems an ending to the world we have known, is the end of life. It is a call to appreciate and maximize every moment of being by reaching with unparalleled discipline and devotion toward our more subtle and unlimited dimensions within. Goudreault realizes that for many the call may yet be faint and unrecognized, and in others the conscious focus of every thought and endeavor, but “as long as we draw breath”, she writes, “there is some Force within, calling us all to evolve beyond the physical that grounds and binds us to the material, to travel on the hidden inner rivers toward the non-material ocean of the self, and to inevitably climb over waves of cosmic Sound, beyond the world of sensory conditioning and preconception, until all illusions and limits crumble under our luminous feet and heaven unfolds as a more comprehensive sight and knowledge of nature and the self.”
Even for those who have never meditated, pursued any path of self-discovery, or have no concept of the energy centers operating in the subtle dimension of the self, Varuna’s Call gives us a space to conceive of a point where electric streams of cosmic Energy meet like mighty rivers in centers of evolving mind, flowing in a progressive sequence of higher and higher motivational principles and desires, purifying negative patterns and blocks, and opening an experience of a greater human totality; a point where we are all networked to the quintessence and Life behind all forms and appearances. This is Goudreault’s Varuna; a work given to nurture the innate force that summons us into that unknown self, where a humanity of seemingly finite dimensions no longer moves at the limited pace of a trickling brook, repeatedly stumbling over our weaknesses like immovable stones and fallen branches, but becomes an oceanic surge of more unlimited Energy, Intelligence and human potentiality.

Buddhic Mind
Buddhic Mind projects a moment of subtle awareness and inspiration. At its deepest levels, inspiration comes from a capacity to experience and accept the unknown and unfamiliar as natural. It requires openness and clear vision, qualities of what is known as the Buddhic mind. To connect with and relate to subtle phenomena in nature as having some stable presence, even if it is only for a moment, we must shift the center from which our mind operates and widen the circumference of our reasoning, identity and experience to allow for a greater totality, a unity within duality, that transcends our preconceptions of nature and the self as separate and finite. Once free of our physical sensory conditioning and the ego’s need to protect what it feels it knows is right with territorial and competitive thoughts and actions, a greater view of the whole of nature and the self begins to emerge. We see we are not alone, but part of an infinite multidimensional ocean of Light and Presence.

The Law of Attraction
In Law of Attraction, one of Goudreault’s most searingly provocative images, she acknowledges the critical significance of the shifting attitude of men towards women, of women towards their destiny, and a Light of new awareness connecting every individual, beyond their marks of race, religion, and gender, to the whole of humanity. “Now,” she says “we begin the intentional inner work of transforming a human culture dominated solely by physical desires and surface qualities that have drowned our relationships in imbalance, fear and conflict. The law of attraction and the force of Love which carries out that law feeds in us a desire to merge. But are we solely physical beings capable only of sexual union and conditional love? Or are there other aspects that this Energy is helping to illuminate; a way for Love to rise and awaken in us the capacity to excel in a harmoniously merged existence with each other and all life?” Goudreault’s Law of Attraction is not a call to celibacy or to ignore the physical body and its innately divine functions, rather a challenge to open our conception of sex beyond its animal boundaries, so the power we are given to create and unite in greater collective awareness may evolve through a more enlightened will, and the nature of our relationships and what we create in material form serve a more universal benefit. Law of Attraction’s abstract human forms appear as if lit from within and beginning to integrate something of the subtle nature of this creative force and their relation to its power, while an animal figure dissolves in the dark periphery. It places what we know as the drama of physical union between two humans in the context of a greater play; that of an evolving inner union between an individual and their highest self, all humanity, and the divine flow of cosmic Energy and Intelligence. Goudreault adds, “Law of Attraction stirs into waking, the power to merge not only our physical bodies, but with a more infinite creative potentiality. When we understand the energy behind desire and attraction as that which seeks refinement and to refine us; to turn our focus upward toward an experience of unconditional love for ourselves and others, and physical sex as an outer equivalent of an inner union of greater totality and potential, we will live less dictated by our physical nature and more consistently as radiant sources of transformational love and constructive creative expression.”

Saturn's guards