The Invincibility Shield
Goudreault Unfolding John Lopez’ “Moose” Sculpture. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis. Read about Unfolding Sculpture

The Light Within Has No Gender, No Race, No Scarcity, No Fear
Extract of Lionel Smit’s “Colossal Fragment”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis. Read About Unfolding Sculpture

The Immunity Shield
Goudreault Unfolding John Lopez’ “Moose” Sculpture. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis. Read About Unfolding Sculpture

Through the Umbra of Fear
“Umbra of Fear projects a reality where beyond the thick umbra of pandemic magnified fear, there is a Light and Intelligence working to penetrate and evolve it into an energy of higher frequency and empowered transformation. Whether it is a fear of our own making or of those who continue to fuel it as a way of controlling the thoughts and actions of others, it is time to let go of fear and meet the ever present Light that waits to carry us across the abyss of this pandemic to a new future.”-Deborah Goudreault
Goudreault Unfolding Brett Murray’s “Gorilla”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis. Read About Unfolding Sculpture

Goudreault Unfolding John Lopez’ “Wild West Buffalo”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Antigravity Gate I
Extract of Andy Goldsworthy’s “Boulder House”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Cosmic Interface
Goudreault Unfolding Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.)

Angel's Descent
Goudreault Unfolding Pablo Atchugarry’s “Dance of Illusion”. Alnoba private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Bridge to the 5th
(the portal to alternate realities in space and through the space of the self in the area of the throat center) Goudreault Unfolding Pablo Atchugarry’s “Dance of Illusions”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Saakshi: the Cosmic Witness
“The Sanskrit term Sakshi refers to a purer, meditatively accessed substance of mind and awareness within us that is not floundering in ceaseless waves of thoughts, words and actions, but a silent witness to the changing world of physical objects and events that neither interferes with or is affected by them. It is an aspect of mind beyond time-space and free from our own conditioned identity, perception and stream of experience. It gives us the abilities of self-observation and self-development that refines the balance and frequency of our energies and evolves the nature of our desires and will to those which are more harmonizing and collectively as well as individually beneficial. It supports the progressive transformation of our mental faculties and powers, beyond the conditioned limits of our present intelligence and nurtures a more wholly integrated and luminous self-experience and identity where the self is no longer separate and finite, but part of a greater totality, innately networked to the infinite Energy and Intelligence of an illimitable Consciousness.” - Deborah Goudreault
Goudreault Unfolding Pablo Atchugarry’s “Dance of Illusions”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Crack of Dawn
Extract of Andy Goldsworthy’s “Boulder House”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

The Antecedent
“Where the Sculptor’s creative labors end, we traverse the full circle of the boulder’s tightly fixed enclosure. Rounding it again and again, the boulder remains the still captive of an eternal womb of infinite gestation, of life ever becoming; a symbol of that which is omnipresent, never born and undying, the implicate Energy and Intelligence that gives birth to a universe of limitlessly unfolding expression, evolving in ever greater awareness of its totality and as ever more perfect reflections of its Source. With each circle of the boulder we are unfolded to re-emerge through an opening fully dilated as a new self, cleansed by the close brush of dark silence, freed of the outer world’s constant distraction, and having learned, with senses withdrawn, to feel life with greater intuitive sensibility.” -Deborah Goudreault
Extract from the clockwise exit of Andy Goldsworthy’s “Boulder House”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

The Power of Desire
Goudreault Unfolding Andy Goldsworthy’s “Boulder House”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Saturn's Messengers
Sunlight projection through leaves on glacial boulder. Alnoba woods; Kennsington, NH.

Listening to the Cosmic Sound or Naada. There is in meditative silence a sound in which all life vibrates in perfect Harmony, every form in its unique voice, the frequency of every thought, word, and feeling part of its song unending. Goudreault Unfolding Jaume Plensa’s “Julia”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

One Thought
“Thought is a causal force, and in its purest form a window for the projection of cosmic Energy and Intelligence where humanity serves as co-creator in the manifestation of form and every quality of our individual and collective reality. Its origins are not fixed or bound by linear spacetime, but in becoming human held thought, transmission is subject to the limits of our own minds, making practices like meditation for clearing and refining the mind critical to human advancement. “One Thought” embodies the idea that despite the conflict, divisive separateness, and suffering that continues on Earth or the unrealized ideals seemingly lost in a matrix of complex and insurmountable barriers, the innate power of every thought is infinite. Thought is a vector of the fundamental implicate order of existence, and the more closely our minds are tuned to its Source frequency, the more harmonizing and elevating will be our own attitudes and actions. One thought can bind us to the conflict and misperceived limits of past patterns and one thought can also heal and regenerate Earth! “One Thought” challenges each of us to observe what we think, speak and feel, and to carefully nurture those thoughts that contribute to the evolution of a re-harmonized and sustainable Earth, a humanity healed and reborn in the Light of a greater totality, and the responsibly directed power of our universally networked nature. It asks us each to consider who will carry forth that thought which elevates our shared existence, can we now learn to advance our progress by carrying it collectively, and what do we have to refine within ourselves to manifest it? ”-D. Goudreault (Goudreault Unfolding Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.)

Goudreault Unfolding Patrick Dougherty’s “Untitled”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Unexplored Mind
Extract of Andy Goldsworthy’s “Boulder House”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Flexible Mass
Goudreault Unfolding Andy Goldsworthy’s “Watershed Boulder”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Solar Opening
Extract of Patrick Dougherty’s “Untitled”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Goudreault Unfolding Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

The Brain Double
Goudreault Unfolding Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Prajna is a Buddhist word describing a faculty of inner knowing or cosmically networked Intelligence; an innate navigational potential of evolving mind.
Goudreault Unfolding Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Subtle Landscape I: Etherfall at Sunrise
“The Etherfall images are impressions of the barely opaque landscape between the material and the immaterial dimensions of every form in Nature. All the elements are present in every element. What we perceive with the physical senses is only the dominant element, whether that is earth, water, fire, air or akaasha or ether. Here the dominant Earth element of dense marble is transcended to reveal the presence of the more subtle elements of air and ether, giving new qualities to the form. Perception is not only a process of recognizing the physically sensed dense element of any form, but of aligning with its more subtle elements through those same elements within our selves. To find the thread of universal connectedness in the seemingly unrelated, even in the dense contours of stone, one must go to the subtle element of its being. Relating to the the space within physical matter, we begin to recognize the infinitely empowered energy, intelligence and unfathomed beauty of every form’s totality, including the self.” -Deborah Goudreault
Goudreault Unfolding Pablo Atchugarry’s “Dance of Illusions”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Subtle Landscape II: Etherfall at Twilight
“The Etherfall images are impressions of the barely opaque landscape between the material and the immaterial dimensions of every form in Nature. All the elements are present in every element. What we perceive with the physical senses is only the dominant element, whether that is earth, water, fire, air or akaasha or ether. Here the dominant Earth element of dense marble is transcended to reveal the presence of the more subtle elements of air and ether, giving new qualities to the form. Perception is not only a process of recognizing the physically sensed dense element of any form, but of aligning with its more subtle elements through those same elements within our selves. To find the thread of universal connectedness in the seemingly unrelated, even in the dense contours of stone, one must go to the subtle element of its being. Relating to the the space within physical matter, we begin to recognize the infinitely empowered energy, intelligence and unfathomed beauty of every form’s totality, including the self.” -Deborah Goudreault
Goudreault Unfolding Pablo Atchugarry’s “Dance of Illusions”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Antigravity Gate II

Subtle Body I Solar Channel
Goudreault’s Unfolding of Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Subtle Body II Lunar Channel
Goudreault’s Unfolding of Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Mind is Not Local or Finite
Goudreault Unfolding of Jaume Plensa’s “Nuria and Irma”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Karmic Record
Goudreault Unfolding Pablo Atchugarry’s “Dance of Illusions”. Alnoba, private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.

Toth's Return
Thoth's Return gives a single form to all those individuals and efforts that are ushering forth the next phase of human advancement; the unveiling of our innate structure and potential for accessing the network of Infinite Mind, evolving science, and commanding the laws of Nature.
Goudreault Unfolding Andy Goldsworthy’s “Watershed Boulder”. Alnoba; private collection of Harriet and Alan Lewis.