Walking the Cosmos

The Aquarian Sword
Goudreault delivers The Aquarian Sword as an equivalent of the subtle energy system of the self through which we are universally networked to unlimited cosmic Energy and Intelligence. One who takes up the weight of this sword she says, “endeavors to open the flow of dormant energies waiting in the unknown dimensions of our human totality, and engage the power networked within to transform the pain, ignorance and insanity of this time without judgement, to ease the waves of desperation and depression, to re-harmonize conflict and imbalance, and stand pure and undefeated in the service of our highest self and evolving humanity.“

Bindu Visarga
“Falling of the drop” of Consciousness which recognizes the unity of all existence and opens the multidimensional network of the self to access the Cosmic Energy and Intelligence radiating from the point where all creation begins.

Exiting Samsara

Geisha: Transforming the Imperfect
Extract of Beech Tree

Fishing the Abyss of the Self

Extract of Oak Tree In another expression of the unfathomable Consciousness permeating all existence, Goudreault once again relates what she perceives in Nature through eastern Teachings and symbolism. Here she says, “Adi Shakti the first or primal power arising from stasis takes the form of a Yakshini; a feminine semi-divine nature spirit manifesting on the physical plane through the surface layer of a tree.” For the Artist, “the tree then, rather than a finite physical form, is experienced as part of a greater totality and an interdimensionally networked horizon of creation, communication and transit. And the Yakshini or Yakshi; a figure often considered to serve as the guardian of the Medicine Buddha, is more than an accident in Nature, rather another mirror of our own human existence as interdimensionally networked horizons of infinite being. A reflection of the self and the more unlimited potential we have yet to fully engage.”

Sailing the Unknown

Conscious Creation

Space Visitor

The Trinity

The Chapel


Navigating the Pure Realm

Kissed by a Stranger

Drifters I

From “Dialogue in the Inner Room” Garuda is a raptor-like bird creature in Hindu teachings which serves as the vehicle of Vishnu, one of the three expressions of universal force which govern the material world. Vishnu represents the principle and energy of purification and preservation.

Full Moon Falcon
Mushroom encrusted Beaver honed stump found in moonlit NH woods. Unexpected Power, Vision, Victory totem.

The Radiant Ones: Zirafia

Creation Myth
Extract of Beech Tree

Connecting with the Source

Earth Guardian

Prelude to Migration

Black Hole Entry
Neutralizing the Time Wave

In this extract of an abandoned grain dryer, left to rust in a field in rural New Hampshire, Goudreault does not find the lost remains of America’s industrial history or a farming culture in which she was raised, but a foreshadowing of our current and future interest in Mars, and the science and technologies required to engage new life forms and inhabit space and other planets as a continuation of our human evolution.

Mars Landing
In this extract of an abandoned grain dryer, left to rust in a field in rural New Hampshire, Goudreault does not find the lost remains of America’s industrial history or a farming culture in which she was raised, but a foreshadowing of our current and future interest in Mars, and the science and technologies required to engage new life forms and inhabit space and other planets as a continuation of our human evolution.

Approaching Mars
In this extract of an abandoned grain dryer, left to rust in a field in rural New Hampshire, Goudreault does not find the lost remains of America’s industrial history or a farming culture in which she was raised, but a foreshadowing of our current and future interest in Mars, and the science and technologies required to engage new life forms and inhabit space and other planets as a continuation of our human evolution.

Nature Walk

Transits of a Still Mind


The Light Behind the Veil

Vortices of the Self I

What Makes Us Human, What Makes us Whole

Interdimensional Drift

Reverence: Bowing to a Vision of Cosmic Nature

Meeting the Gatekeeper of the Central Channel

Ephemeral Architecture I

Anahad: Song of Bliss
Nature as a mirror of the self. Extract of Beech tree as human mind surrendering to the unstruck melody of Cosmic Sound and becoming a song of Consciousness.

Tide Pool Prophet

Eurybia: Goddess of Mastery of the Sea
Eurybia, Goddess of Mastery of the Sea is part of my works in progress of perceptive sculptures photographed along the RI coast. They continue my work in intuitively perceived figurative sculpture which makes more tangible and conceivable the infinitely creative Cosmic Energy and Intelligence networked throughout Nature and all humanity. The uniquely unfamiliar forms do not arise from imagination, contrived staging, or intellect. They are not the conscious work of my physical hands but manifest of a mind that continues to cultivate an inner awareness and perception of space that is freer from the limits of known forms, finite theories of matter, and a reality framed by physical sensory data alone. Eurybia symbolizes mastery over the sea as well as our capacity to purify and refine the water element on earth and within ourselves. The antithesis of a scarcity mindset, she is the equivalent of our capacity for fearless and continuous sharing and exchange; giving and receiving in endless waves of mutual success and unlimited abundance. She embodies the wisdom that sustainable peace requires mastery over the tides of emotion and the ability to not only adapt but excel through inevitable cycles of change as essential to any advancement and evolution.

Mona Lisa's Soul Journey